Taranis - Crop & Farm Management Software | Precision Agriculture Technology

There's still time to enroll your acres!

Signup today to see every acre in leaf-level detail this growing season.

Every acre tells a story.

This is beyond scouting. It is about understanding what the acre is telling you and fostering collaboration for success.

Moving the Acre Forward™

Taranis' crop intelligence turns leaf-level data into actionable insights.


Crop intelligence at scale

We’re 100% focused on helping advisors demonstrate value for growers and build better relationships through full-service, leaf-level insights.


Cover more

Scout from anywhere and prioritize the farms that require the most attention.

Act decisively with
more speed

Get timely insights to accelerate decision-making and validate recommendations.

Unlock more

Show growers how to maximize yield to improve planning and boost their bottom line.


See the big picture

Trusted advisors are expected to see the big picture yet know the details. Cover more fields with greater efficiency using data-driven insights about your growers and their crops.


Strengthen your brand
and your teams

Create the best experience for every grower and every field, while we take care of the heavy lifting with full, end-to-end service.

Detect and analyze
crop threats

Understand crop start, weed severity, disease, insect damage, and nutrient deficiencies—in season and after the season.

Engage in a
personal way

Communicate with confidence, bringing visual, clear insights and action plans tailored specifically to your growers.

Stand Counts
Weed Detection
Insect Damage
Nutrient Deficiencies
Disease Pressure
Field Health
High definition imagery so clear you can count the spots on a lady bug


Practical innovation born from a proud farming legacy

Taranis is leading the AI-powered crop intelligence revolution, combining high-end tech with expert agronomy.



Full service before, during, and after the season, backed by unmatched technology and deep ag expertise.

ground truth

Submillimeter image resolution of every acre, collected by drones and delivered right to your fingertips—wherever you are.

Largest crop
imagery dataset

Deep AI and machine learning, trained by 200M+ data points and continuously optimized by our team of experts.

Keep up with the latest from Taranis

group viewing insights on laptop

A Game Changer for Retail Agronomy

Discover the insights from southwest Wisconsin’s Premier Cooperative’s Sales Agronomist, Phil Thony, as he discusses the transformative impact of AI-driven insights in agriculture. Gain valuable perspectives on the shift towards digital scouting and the game-changing potential of Taranis in field management. Explore the prospects and challenges of adopting new technologies in farming for enhanced crop intelligence and customer service.

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AI + Drones = Scalable Scouting + Profitability

With an eye in the sky so powerful defoliation can be matched to the insect that caused it, Taranis’ AI-powered crop intelligence doesn’t just deliver data—the tool delivers insights, information, and, ultimately, action plans. Taranis’ value propositions have been nearly limitless, with operations finding ROI in having insights at their fingertips for accelerated decision-making. 

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Crop Scouting vs. Crop Intelligence: ROI

“The difference between crop scouting and crop intelligence can be related to having a basket of berries or having a baked berry pie, sliced and ready-to-eat on a plate in front of you,” says Mark Bradke, Iowa-based Taranis Regional Account Manager. “I would rather have the pie.” 

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