Taranis Illinois Experiences and Hopes for the 2022 Growing Season - Taranis

Taranis Illinois Experiences and Hopes for the 2022 Growing Season

May 31, 2022
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While this may be Brett Harrision and Toby Behmer’s first growing seasons with Taranis, combined, the two Illinois Regional Sales Managers have more than 40 years of experience in the agriculture industry. Still, the seasoned veterans with strong retail and seed backgrounds said Taranis is a welcome breath of fresh air in the agriculture industry.

“You see a pendulum swing all the time in the industry,” said Behmer, who manages territories in northern Illinois and Wisconsin. “Farmers are having to do more with less and they are embracing technology more and more. What Taranis offers is a unique solution to farmers and retailers no one can match or compare. We can cover every single acre of an operation, helping solve issues before they become problems. I’m looking forward to ground truthing our flight missions with ag retailers to create awareness and show them what Taranis can bring to their tables.”

Harrison agrees.

“The leaf level data collection is amazing,” said Harrison. “It’s exciting to know that this technology is readily available and it’s exciting to be able to share that with retailers and farmers. What you don’t know can hurt you, and the ability to scout with Taranis can accelerate decision making while also protecting bottom lines. I’m looking forward to sharing the Taranis story with growers and retailers in central Illinois and showing them exactly what is happening in their fields.”

As we enter the month of June, be sure to be on the lookout for more from our team of experts at Taranis. First and second flight missions will be flown to tell the story on every acre and provide solutions that preserve and protect the bottom lines of family farmers and the ag retailer.

Read Illinois’ Latest Crop Progress and Condition Report Here – https://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Illinois/Publications/Crop_Progress_&_Condition/2022/20220523-IL-Crop-Progress.pdf


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