What a difference a week can make! After hearing the desperate pleas from farmers across the Midwest, Mother Nature finally decided to cooperate by opening the window for planting season. While last week showed less than two suitable field workdays, this week’s weather is making up for it and then some. Planters are rolling from Kansas to Ohio.
For Regional Sales Director for Kansas and Missouri, James Hulsey, the planting delays caused by this year’s wet spring have made talking about Taranis with his partners a breath of fresh air because of the leaf level insights on every acre that enable to make the best management practices possible.
“My prior experience to retail is the seed business and it’s a grind with all the brands growers and retailers get hit with,” Hulsey said. “When we approach any retailer with what Taranis is capable of, the light bulb comes on and they understand what we can do: Capturing, delivering and how fast; the importance of what we can deliver to help serve their customers better; making their customers more efficient and effective at the farm gate; and helping their growers raise the best crop possible.
“From the farmer to the retailer, everyone is really excited for this year; we can all talk about the negatives and everything that is going on, but the nice bounce in commodity prices has lifted spirits of these guys,” said Hulsey. “Guys are resilient out in the countryside. They are mentally prepared to take on the challenge of raising a crop and we just need to trust them to do what they do best.”
One thing Hulsey wants to ensure hits home with all his partners and farmers is the ability and capabilities Taranis has to set successful precedents for farmers and ag retailers, ensuring every field reaches it full crop potential.
“How do we help these growers reach their full crop potential?” Hulsey said. “Using those stand counts, we are delivering to every acre and use them to eliminate yield monitor surprises to set the precedent and expectations for the growing season and help that grower make better decisions to bolster their returns on investment.”
Regional Sales Manager, Tim Pearson, located in Nebraska, said the story is much the same for his Taranis customers, especially after the first rounds of scouting.
“My previous life as a retailer was spent walking many fields and scouting a very small portion of each field – it was easy to miss things,” Pearson said. “With Taranis, the ability to help our retailers make the prescriptions and decisions, where those resistant weed populations are, where those nutrient deficiencies are – it’s a whole new level of efficiency for the retailer. Not only are we saving the farmers money, saving the retailers resources but we are also preventing bushel loss.”
Pearson’s advice comes from years of experience in the ag retail industry. Going into his fourth season with Taranis, he says the information Taranis provides is invaluable to the current and future generations of family farms.
Check your Corn Planting Progress Here – 2022 Corn Planting Progress | Successful Farming (agriculture.com)
Kansas Crop Progress and Condition Report – KS-weekly0509.pdf (usda.gov)
Missouri Crop Progress and Condition Report – 20220509-MO-Crop-Progress.pdf (usda.gov)
With the rising costs of farm equipment and technology, it's critical for growers to ensure their investment is maximizing return on every acre.
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